Science With Purpose



Seeking ways to enhance efficiency to achieve higher productivity is the focus for laboratories performing Gas Chromatography (GC) and Liquid Chromatography (LC) analyses. At the heart of this pursuit Chromatography Data System (CDS) software plays a key role, offering a myriad of functionalities designed to simplify and optimize chromatography processes. From data acquisition tools to …

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic resonated across industries, economies, and individual lives. And that triggered a shift in how businesses – including laboratories – operated. Contract testing laboratories faced their share of challenges, including supply chain shortages, logistics issues, and safety concerns for their staff. Even in the pandemic’s aftermath, testing labs continue to …

Microplastics in Air: Tiny Pollutants, Huge Consequences

When we think of plastic pollution, we’re likely to conjure up images of plastic litter in oceans or rivers. But there’s another, less visible form of plastic pollution that’s been gaining attention in recent years: microplastics in air. These tiny plastic particles – small enough to be inhaled – have become pervasive in the atmosphere, …

Triple-quadrupole mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) systems have seen substantial growth both in their capabilities and utilization. But even the most advanced systems are not immune to the challenges posed by contamination. We usually think that the inside of a mass spectrometer is a “clean” environment. Although these instruments are designed to minimize chances for contaminant reaction, …

Three Ways Chromatography Data System Software Drives the Lab of the Future

What’s the first thing you do when you arrive at your lab each day? Some people might think it’s to fire up the GC system – but you’re probably going to power up your PC. Because as gas chromatography technology continues to evolve, labs require chromatography data system (CDS) software that can support those powerful …

Industry 4.0 for USP 467: Unlocking Lab Productivity Potential

In today’s evolving industrial landscape, the concept of Industry 4.0 is revolutionizing various sectors by leveraging digitalization and automation to drive efficiency (read more here). Laboratories – particularly those involved in quality control and compliance of pharmaceutical production with United States Pharmacopeia (USP) 467 requirements – are also embracing this transformative approach Residual solvent analysis …

Choosing the right HPLC detector

For lab managers, every day brings new challenges -and new decisions to make. Some are routine, like maintaining staffing levels and keeping consumables shelves stocked. Others have longer-term consequences -and can have a huge impact on the lab’s ability to deliver expected results for all the analytes that are being testing. Choosing the right HPLC …

HPLC 2023 Conference Recap: Separating What Matters in HPLC

Since its inception in 1973, nothing captures the current state, the emerging challenges, and the future direction of liquid chromatography like the International Symposium of High-Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques (HPLC Conference). HPLC Conference 2023 returned to Germany, being hosted in Düsseldorf, and the event featured a lineup of keynote speakers, technical sessions, …

Mass Spectrometry Explained: 5 Application Areas for LC/MS/MS

Say your job is to test for PFAS in extremely complex sample matrices. How can you detect at the required low levels, without the risk of interferences and contamination? Or maybe you are tasked with detection of mycotoxins in a corn crop. Is it possible to test for them with the required sensitivity? Labs that …

The need for faster and more efficient analysis of larger and more complex samples has driven the development of advanced instruments in the lab, leading to the creation of improved instruments capable of handling increasing demands for productivity and accuracy. For the identification and quantification of compounds, liquid chromatography (LC) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS) …

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