Science With Purpose

Starting Up and Getting Grants: Opportunities for Academic and Research Labs

September 28, 2021
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Getting a research program up and running isn’t easy. Here are some opportunities for ambitious scientists who want to be confident in their lab set up or need the use of a new instrument to boost their research.

Lab Start-Up Program

Asking the right questions early on is one of the crucial steps to building a successful lab. We’ve compiled a few key points to think about to help you get started on building your lab, whether you’re starting from ground zero, moving to a new space, or expanding.


Setting up your lab the right way, the first time, is crucial to streamlined functioning and future expansion. This process includes thinking about how transportation around the lab will work and if researchers have easy access to utility systems. Factors such as HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) need to be accounted for, including building in space for possible future maintenance. Flexibility and adaptability are two considerations and building them into your lab early on can save you time and money down the line.


Without the right equipment, a lab couldn’t produce results. But more than just purchasing what you need right now, researchers need to think years ahead to build in extra functionalities if they expand the scope of their research. More than that, equipment requires care and monitoring so building in support for those aspects is essential to keeping a smooth and steady lab workflow.


All labs have standard protocols but starting a lab without a system to put them in place and monitor them can get you off to a rough start. If a protocol has too many edits or additions, it can become confusing and errors could happen. Make sure you can maintain proper procedures and have a system for any changes you need to make down the line.


The scientists are what make a lab run and providing yours with the best resources and support can go a long way in helping your lab succeed.

Getting Started

Experts, like vendors, can help you optimize your lab space for your research needs and ask questions you haven’t thought of yet. PerkinElmer’s LABStartUp program accelerates your performance, right from the start. Participants get personalized help, and discounts and giveaways on services and equipment, including access to grant-matching and money off consumables and more. This exciting concierge-style program will help to ensure you check all the right boxes, so you can get back to what’s important – the science.


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