Science With Purpose

More Efficiencies in the Lab, More Time Out of the Lab: Multivendor Solutions

September 7, 2022
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When you have an optimized lab, you have more time to be strategic, attend a conference, or just recharge and explore.

Running a laboratory is no walk in the park, any scientist could attest to that. The constant daily requirements to calibrate instruments, maintain compliant processes, schedule preventative maintenance or instrument repairs is a lot to keep track of—sometimes all before you can finish your morning coffee. Returning your time and focus to research is critical for productivity, replicability and efficiency, and the ability to achieve the next scientific breakthrough…or take that trip on your bucket list.

A multivendor service provideran organization that can service and support many different types of lab instruments – enables scientists to save time by bringing a highly skilled team on board to manage critical but not-core workflows. A multivendor provider will ensure instruments are:

  1. Properly calibrated
  2. Preventative maintenance is performed
  3. Repairs are completed on time

Each of these activities may seem small but complied over days, weeks, months, and even years; it’s a significant cost to the focus and time scientists could spend on core activities.

What to Look for in Multivendor Solutions

  1. A cloud-based portal to manage routine scheduled visits and make repairs.
  2. A calendar feature that enables to view and schedule needed maintenance and repairs for any instrument (regardless of the vendor), while also providing visual reporting and dashboards to track repair cycle times.
  3. Optimized (one PO, one invoice) billing. Software to help manage multiple vendors’ quotes, purchase orders, and invoices.

Whether you have one lab, or hundreds across the globe, ensuring your systems are running at optimal efficiency is critical to your success. Work with a partner with global experience ensuring equipment is maximized, regardless of the vendor.

A career in a laboratory means you’re doing the research we need to continue to improve human health and the environment. You deserve to return your time and focus to where it matters most, your science.

For a one-minute overview on how our OneSource team helps customers, watch the video… or take a deeper dive below.

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