1 | Analyzing Advanced Materials in the Automotive Industry | AES | Energy | AES |
2 | Myth Disproved: Why Robust Analytical Lab Equipment Still Benefits from Preventive Maintenance and Service Contracts | AES | Strategic Services | AES |
3 | Recycling E-Waste for Technology Critical Elements | AES | Material | AES |
4 | Semiconductor Water Recycling: A Crucial Strategy to Prevent PFAS Contamination | AES | Water | AES |
5 | Maximize Time for Innovation: Strategies for Reducing Non-Core Tasks in the Lab | AES | Strategic Services | AES |
6 | The Role of Inventory Management in Pharmaceutical Laboratories: Mitigating the Impact of Ransomware | AES | Strategic Services | AES |
7 | Elevating GC and LC Laboratories Efficiency in three Key Steps with Modern CDS Software | AES | Air | AES |
8 | The Advantages of Using a Single Service Provider to Improve Lab Efficiency and Compliance | AES | Lab Automation | AES |
9 | Solving Cell Dimensional Changes and Cell Breathing in Lithium Solid-State Batteries | AES | Energy | AES |
10 | Sailing Through Transformative Times: Contract Testing Labs and the Adoption of LC/MS/MS Technology | AES | Air | AES |
11 | Microplastics in Air: Tiny Pollutants, Huge Consequences | AES | Air | AES |
12 | Microplastics in Drinking Water: Unseen Particles, Unseen Dangers | AES | Water | AES |
13 | Wildfires: Unraveling the Aftermath of Destruction | AES | Soil/Solids | AES |
14 | Making organoids ready for screening | LSDX | Life Science Research | LSDX |
15 | Empowering lives: Revvity’s commitment to rare disease awareness | LSDX | Newborn Screening | LSDX |
16 | Imaging cell death to validate novel anti-cancer treatments | LSDX | Life Science Research,Drug Development | LSDX,LSDX |
17 | A Passion For 3D Printing: Dickson Cheung’s Journey | AES | Material | AES |
18 | Revvity HealthTech Hackathon participants’ factory tour in Turku, Finland | LSDX | Maternal Fetal Health,Newborn Screening | LSDX,LSDX |
19 | Headline: Revvity HealthTech Hackathon participant winners factory tour in Turku, Finland | SELECT | | |
20 | Navigating the Labyrinth of LC/MS/MS Contamination | AES | Air | AES |
21 | Precision medicine boosted by functional drug testing using patient-derived model systems | LSDX | Life Science Research | LSDX |
22 | Overcoming the Challenges of 3D Immune Cell-Killing Assays | LSDX | Life Science Research | LSDX |
23 | Producing Quality Paint is Jotun’s Job – Analyzing It Is Ours | AES | Chemicals | AES |
24 | How to improve cell counting processes for accurate cell characterization. | LSDX | Cell and Gene Therapy,Drug Discovery | LSDX,LSDX |
25 | Managing the data deluge of high-content screening workflows | LSDX | Life Science Research | LSDX |
26 | PFAS in Air, Water, and Soil: Unraveling the Silent Threat | AES | Water | AES |
27 | From Mines to Markets: A to Z in 17 REEs | AES | Energy,Geochemistry, Mining and Metals | AES,AES |
28 | Three Ways Chromatography Data System Software Drives the Lab of the Future | AES | Air | AES |
29 | Industry 4.0 for USP 467: Unlocking Lab Productivity Potential | AES | Air | AES |
30 | Genetically Engineered PDX Models Help Identify Therapeutic Targets | LSDX | Clinical Studies | LSDX |
31 | 7 Factors to Consider When Choosing an HPLC Detector | AES | Air | AES |
32 | Solid Advantages Charging Up the Battery Industry | AES | Energy | AES |
33 | HPLC 2023 Conference Recap: Separating What Matters in HPLC | AES | Air | AES |
34 | Looking for [Process] Validation in All the Right Places | SELECT | | |
35 | Mass Spectrometry Explained: 5 Application Areas for LC/MS/MS | AES | Air | AES |
36 | Slippery Subject Matters in Biofuels | AES | Energy | AES |
37 | The Green Energy Revolution Goes Nuclear | AES | Energy | AES |
38 | Top 3 Ways to Make Your Lab More Sustainable | AES | Strategic Services | AES |
39 | Mass Spectrometry Explained: How LC/MS/MS Works | AES | Air | AES |
40 | Understanding the 6 Components of HPLC (No Pressure!) | AES | Air | AES |
41 | Addressing the Threat of Antimicrobial Resistance | SELECT | | |
42 | How High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Works | AES | Air | AES |
43 | Feng Shui & Sustainability: How Workplace Design Impacts GC Lab Practices | AES | Air | AES |
44 | 5 Things to Know About Sustainability in the GC Lab | AES | Air | AES |
45 | 8 LC/MS/MS Design Advancements That Improve Workflow | AES | Water | AES |
46 | Chasing Time: Gaining Efficiencies with Pressure-Balanced Headspace Sampling Technologies | AES | Events,Air | AES,AES |
47 | 6 Ways Packaging Can Fail (And How Testing Can Prevent It) | AES | Material | AES |
48 | Could Sodium-Ion Batteries Be the Future of Alternative Energy? | AES | Energy | AES |
49 | Webinar and Industry Events Calendar, November 2022 | AES | Events | AES |
50 | Chasing Time: Gaining GC Workflow Efficiencies with a Simplified Approach | AES | Air | AES |
51 | Novel Trends for Forensic Toxicology | AES | Forensics and Security | AES |
52 | Managing Assets vs. Asset Management: The Importance of Vocabulary | AES | Strategic Services | AES |
53 | On the Move: How the CASE Industry Advances Product Performance and Sustainability | AES | Chemicals | AES |
54 | 5 Steps to Choosing a PFAS Testing Lab | AES | Water | AES |
55 | Overcoming Challenges in CHO Host Cell Protein Detection and Quantification | AES | QA/QC Drug Manufacturing Process | AES |
56 | Lab 4.0: Turning Challenges into Possibilities | AES | Air | AES |
57 | 6 Shining New Examples of Integrated Photovoltaics (PV) | AES | Energy | AES |
58 | Webinar and Industry Events Calendar, October 2022 | AES | Events | AES |
59 | Why Automation is Crucial in the GC Lab | AES | Air | AES |
60 | Addressing the Global Water Crisis: Where Do We Go from Here? | AES | Water | AES |
61 | Video Q&A: Water and Sustainable Mining with Dr. Upmanu Lall, Columbia University | AES | Water | AES |
62 | 5 Facts You Didn’t Know About Chromatography and GC | AES | Air | AES |
63 | Top 4 Advantages LC/MS/MS Brings to Testing Food for Pesticides | AES | Food | AES |
64 | More Efficiencies in the Lab, More Time Out of the Lab: Multivendor Solutions | AES | Strategic Services | AES |
65 | 3 Questions About GC No One Asked in 1955 | AES | Air | AES |
66 | The Importance of “Industry 4.0” Strategies for GC Labs | AES | Air | AES |
67 | Sustainability Q&A with Suneet Chadha | AES | Water | AES |
68 | Cheeseburger in Flexitarian Paradise: How Plant-Based Protein Development is Flipping the Industry | AES | Food | AES |
69 | 3 Ways Asset Management is Driving Lab Efficiency and Success | AES | Strategic Services | AES |
70 | How Did We Get Here? Challenging Semiconductor Times. | AES | Chemicals | AES |
71 | FTIR and the Science of Sandals | AES | Material | AES |
72 | Spectroscopy is the New Sommelier for Modern Vintners | AES | Food | AES |
73 | Chromatography Explained: Headspace Sampling Technologies for Volatile Sample Prep | AES | Air | AES |
74 | Webinar and Industry Events Calendar, August 2022 | AES | Events | AES |
75 | Best Practices: Taking Care of Chromatography Columns | AES | QA/QC Drug Manufacturing Process | AES |
76 | New Regulations to Monitor Forever Chemicals in the Environment | AES | Water | AES |
77 | The Herculean Effort of Pioneering Chromatography Columns | AES | Chemicals | AES |
78 | How Sunblock Manufacturers Can Prevent Getting Burned | SELECT | | |
79 | The Lithium Battery Paradox: Energy vs. Environment | AES | Energy | AES |
80 | Q&A: Environmental PFAS – the “Forever Chemical” and EPA Method 537.1 | AES | Water | AES |
81 | How Customer Feedback is Used to Build Smart GC Solutions | AES | Air | AES |
82 | How to Prevent Climate Change Inside a Laboratory | AES | Strategic Services | AES |
83 | Chromatography Explained: How Mass Spectrometry Adds Information to Your Analysis | AES | Air | AES |
84 | Gas Chromatography Discussions at Analytica 2022: Connectivity, Automation, Ease of Use | AES | Air | AES |
85 | Gas Chromatography Explained: What It Is and How It Works | AES | Air,Food,Chemicals,Water | AES,AES,AES,AES |
86 | Trends for GC and GC/MS in 2022 (…also at Analytica 2022 in Munich) | AES | Air | AES |
87 | Webinar and Industry Events Calendar, June 2022 | AES | Events | AES |
88 | How to Achieve Big Lab Dreams on a Small Lab Budget | AES | Strategic Services | AES |
89 | Video Q&A: Regulating Microplastics, Mitigating Macro Risks | AES | Water | AES |
90 | Unboxing Hydroxyl Groups with Infrared Spectroscopy | AES | Chemicals | AES |
91 | How Low Doses of Endocrine-disrupting Compounds Impact Health | AES | Water | AES |
92 | Webinar and Industry Events Calendar, May 2022 | AES | Events | AES |
93 | Go With the Flow: Flow Cytometry Assays for Cell Death Detection | AES | Strategic Services | AES |
94 | Flow Cytometry Basics: Benefits, Applications, and Advances | AES | Strategic Services | AES |
95 | Biodegradable Polymers Show Promise for The Planet | AES | Material | AES |
96 | Webinar and Industry Events Calendar, April 2022 | AES | Events | AES |
97 | University of New Mexico, University of Pennsylvania, and University of Montana Win 2021 ICP-MS Inorganic Research Contest | AES | Geochemistry, Mining and Metals | AES |
98 | A Holistic Approach to Aquatic Microplastics Research | AES | Water | AES |
99 | Webinar and Industry Events Calendar, March 2022 | AES | Events | AES |
100 | VIDEO Q&A: Microplastics Are On the Menu | AES | Water | AES |
101 | Webinar and Industry Events Calendar, February 2022 | AES | Events | AES |
102 | PerkinElmer Events Calendar, January 2022 | AES | Events | AES |
103 | Case Study: The Ease and Importance of Transferring Your NIR Platform Data | AES | Food | AES |
104 | Agricultural Biologics: Innovating for a Healthy and Sustainable Future | AES | Chemicals | AES |
105 | How to Bring a Better ICP-MS to Market (and Win a Few Awards) | AES | Chemicals | AES |
106 | Choosing the Right Technology for Your Polymer Testing Needs | AES | Material | AES |
107 | VIDEO Q&A: A Macro View at Microplastics in Water | AES | Water | AES |
108 | Starting Up and Getting Grants: Opportunities for Academic and Research Labs | AES | Strategic Services | AES |
109 | Unravel Rapid Reaction Kinetics with Advanced Spectroscopic Techniques | AES | Chemicals | AES |
110 | How to Accelerate Semiconductor Manufacturing | AES | Chemicals | AES |
111 | How Hyphenation Creates Advanced Single-Run Polymer Analysis | AES | Material | AES |
112 | Recycling Water is Only One Step in Protecting the Environment | AES | Water | AES |
113 | 5 Best-Tips Against the Worst-Case Scenario | AES | Strategic Services | AES |
114 | Become an Agile Environmental Lab: Part III, Artificial Intelligence | AES | Water | AES |
115 | Sustainability + Technology: Lithium and Rare Earth Element Applications | AES | Geochemistry, Mining and Metals | AES |
116 | Become an Agile Environmental Lab: Part II, Cloud Computing | AES | Water | AES |
117 | Become an Agile Environmental Lab: Automation | AES | Water | AES |
118 | SETAC EU Conference Review: New, Toxic Emerging Contaminants and their Risk on Environment and Human Health | AES | Water | AES |
119 | Food Integrity Experts Agree On These Four Points | AES | Food | AES |
120 | 10 Minutes or Less: Drug Identification on the Go | AES | Forensics and Security | AES |
121 | Your Tour Guide to Fertilizer and Agrochemical Analytical Technologies | AES | Chemicals | AES |
122 | VIDEO Q&A: Refreshing, Recycling, and Reusing Water – Part 3 | AES | Water | AES |
123 | Global Environmental Sciences Summit Welcomes Experts From Around the World, Online | AES | Water | AES |
124 | VIDEO Q&A: Refreshing, Recycling, and Reusing Water – Part 2 | AES | Water | AES |
125 | The Importance of a Business Continuity Plan in Environmental Contract Testing Labs | AES | Water | AES |
126 | Splice the Why Chromosome into your Next Lab-in-a-Lab RFP | AES | Strategic Services | AES |
127 | VIDEO Q&A: Refreshing, Recycling, and Reusing Water – Part 1 | AES | Water | AES |
128 | What Drug Manufacturers Need to Know About Data Integrity Compliance | AES | QA/QC Drug Manufacturing Process | AES |
129 | Improving Food Yield with Advanced Analytical Testing for Fertilizers and Agrochemicals | AES | Chemicals | AES |
130 | Improve Your Environmental Gas Chromatography Techniques | AES | Energy | AES |
131 | Can We Simplify the Evaluation of Pharmaceutical Excipients? | AES | QA/QC Drug Manufacturing Process | AES |
132 | Spectroscopy’s Role in Accelerating the Solar Panel Development | AES | Energy | AES |
133 | How to Find Your Best Pharma Lab Vendor | AES | Strategic Services | AES |
134 | Numbers Don’t Lie: Pharma Lab Inefficiencies Come at a High Cost | AES | Strategic Services | AES |
135 | Celebrating February 11: International Day of Women and Girls in Science | AES | Events | AES |
136 | Going Underground with the Orange County Water District | AES | Water | AES |
137 | 4 Reasons to Outsource Your Lab IT | AES | Strategic Services | AES |
138 | Don’t Bring Heavy Metals into the Kid’s Playroom | AES | Material | AES |
139 | Understanding the Future of Fine and Specialty Chemicals | AES | Chemicals | AES |
140 | A Credit to Lab Accreditation | AES | Forensics and Security | AES |
141 | Automatic Particle Counting is Better (i.e Faster) for Business | AES | Chemicals | AES |
142 | 3 Steps to Ensure Data Integrity for Drug Development | AES | QA/QC Drug Manufacturing Process | AES |
143 | One NIR Animal Feed Calibration to Rule Them All | AES | Food | AES |
144 | INFOGRAPHIC: 6 Consequences of Lab Inefficiency | AES | Strategic Services | AES |
145 | Tecnologia e Consigli per un’Acqua Pulita* (…in Italy) | AES | Water | AES |
146 | Food Viscosity Testing Above the Boiling Point | AES | Food | AES |
147 | Expertise, Expectations & Excipients in Medicine | AES | QA/QC Drug Manufacturing Process | AES |
148 | Risks and Rules of Impurities in Drug Substance and Drug Product | AES | QA/QC Drug Manufacturing Process | AES |
149 | Finding Harmony With ICH, Regulatory Authorities and Pharmacopoeias | AES | QA/QC Drug Manufacturing Process | AES |
150 | Removing the Headache from Dissolution Testing | AES | QA/QC Drug Manufacturing Process | AES |
151 | Watch Your Batch: Tips for a Smooth Drug Product Release | AES | QA/QC Drug Manufacturing Process | AES |
152 | Protecting Your Lab from the Future | AES | Strategic Services | AES |
153 | Validation – Adjustment of NIR Calibrations | AES | Food | AES |
154 | 5 NIR Spectroscopy Pre-Calibration Techniques for Food Analysis | AES | Food | AES |
155 | Investigate OOS Results When They Occur | AES | QA/QC Drug Manufacturing Process | AES |
156 | Help Us Help You: PerkinElmer Website Evaluation | SELECT | | |
157 | Audit Trails: Your Map to Data Integrity | AES | QA/QC Drug Manufacturing Process | AES |
158 | Shelf Life: Take Control of Stability Testing | AES | QA/QC Drug Manufacturing Process | AES |
159 | GMP Compliance in QC Labs: It Takes a Village | AES | QA/QC Drug Manufacturing Process | AES |
160 | Take Control of Nitrosamine Impurities | AES | QA/QC Drug Manufacturing Process | AES |
161 | Necessary, But Not Necessarily Enough: Looking Beyond Title 21 CFR Part 11 | AES | QA/QC Drug Manufacturing Process | AES |
162 | How the Indy 500 is Fast, Furious and (Fuel) Fair | AES | Energy | AES |
163 | LaaS is More: Reevaluating Staffing Models and Improving Lab Workflow | AES | Strategic Services | AES |
164 | How to Avoid Warning Letters with GMP Quality Compliance | AES | QA/QC Drug Manufacturing Process | AES |
165 | 6 Critical Considerations for SARS-CoV-2 Detection | SELECT | | |
166 | Lab Relocation: 4 Lessons Learned the Hard Way | AES | Strategic Services | AES |
167 | An Introduction to Near InfraRed Spectroscopy | AES | Food | AES |
168 | The Benefits of NIR Grain Networking | AES | Food | AES |
169 | 3 Insourcing Models for Pharma Labs | AES | Strategic Services | AES |
170 | 21 CFR Part 11: Increased URS Complexity for Software Compliance | AES | QA/QC Drug Manufacturing Process | AES |
171 | Verifying Raw Materials for Drug Manufacturing and Preventing FDA Warning Letters | AES | QA/QC Drug Manufacturing Process | AES |
172 | 4 New ICH Q12 Principles for Pharmaceutical Product Lifecycle Management | AES | QA/QC Drug Manufacturing Process | AES |
173 | Mitigating Risk During On-site Sample Testing | AES | Forensics and Security | AES |
174 | Customer Case Study, Webinar: On-the-Spot Testing at the Races | AES | Energy | AES |
175 | Compliant v. Compatible: Understanding FDA 21 CFR Part 11 | AES | QA/QC Drug Manufacturing Process | AES |
176 | 5 Observations From Former Bristol-Myers Squibb Service Procurement Manager | AES | Strategic Services | AES |
177 | Disaster Management Triangle: A Three-Sided Approach to Lab Resilience | AES | Strategic Services | AES |
178 | Food Fraud in the Land of Milk and Honey (and Olives) | AES | Food | AES |
179 | 4 Steps For Selecting A Management Model To Accelerate Lab Workflow | AES | Strategic Services | AES |
180 | Getting the Skinny on Heavy Metals in Ocean Plastic Waste | AES | Water | AES |
181 | Cassini’s Mission To Saturn Got Major Boost From PerkinElmer | AES | Geochemistry, Mining and Metals | AES |
182 | The Effects of Microplastics in the Great Barrier Reef | AES | Water | AES |
183 | Feeding the World Starts With a Single Grain of Wheat | AES | Food | AES |
184 | Overcoming The Complexities Of Cannabis Analysis | AES | Cannabis | AES |
185 | Diving Head First in Water Quality: The Swimming Professor | AES | Water | AES |
186 | Monitoring the Sea of Supplements | AES | Food | AES |
187 | Two European Projects Trace the Fate of Nanomaterials | AES | Material | AES |
188 | Detecting Wonky Whisky with a Portable GC/MS | AES | Food | AES |
189 | Fine Dining on Microplastic | AES | Water | AES |
190 | How to Accelerate and Optimize for 600,000 ICP Tests, Annually | AES | Food | AES |
191 | ARBRO Pharmaceuticals Ltd, a Market Leader in Food Testing in India | AES | Food | AES |