Science With Purpose

PerkinElmer Events Calendar, January 2022

January 6, 2022
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Navigating educational and industry events during the global pandemic is an agile undertaking. Here is a list of the top events PerkinElmer is hosting or participating in. We look forward to answering your questions, either online or SAFELY in-person.

We will update this during the month, if in-person events are canceled.

DateTopicTitleLocationYou’re Invited!
January 8GenomicsInternational Plant & Animal Genome XXIX Conference (PAG XXIX)San Diego, CA
January 12High Content ScreeningHigh Content Screening User GroupOnline
January 17Protein Science21st Annual PepTalkSan Diego, CA
January 17Spectrochemical Analysis2022 Winter Conference on Plasma SpectrochemistryTucson, AZ
January 19DairyInnovations Safeguarding the Dairy Value ChainOnline
January 19Microplastics, EnvironmentalCritical Insights on Emerging Technologies and Challenges in Microplastics AnalysesOnline
January 22Photonics Research and TechnologySPIE Photonics WestSan Francisco, CA
January 24Drug DevelopmentCMC Strategy ForumWashington DC
January 24Drug DevelopmentMedlab Middle EastDubai, UAE
January 25Multiple: See Details BelowPerkinElmer’s Mobile Innovation LabFresno, CA
January 25GenomicsFestival of Genomics & BiodataOnline



Join us on January 19 to learn (via our Virtual Reality technology!) how the IndiScope™ FT-IR milk analyzer will help efficiently monitor milk at intake.


On January 25, PerkinElmer is parking our Mobile Innovation Lab in Fresno… creating a smart and safe environment for you to see the latest instrumentation and hear the latest insights.

Mobile Innovation Lab Presentations:

  • PerkinElmer Dairy Testing Solutions
    • Ashley Combs Field Application Scientist Manager, PerkinElmer
  • Using Classical FT-IR Dairy Analysis for Plant Milks
    • David Honigs, Field Application Scientist, PerkinElmer
  • NIR Process Solutions
    • Darrel Nelson, Field Application Scientist, PerkinElmer
  • Next Generation Avio 220 Max and Avio 550 Max ICP-OES Spectrometers
    • Sandy Kanapilly, Field Application Scientist, PerkinElmer
  • Titan Microwave Digestion System Makes Soil Digestions Easy
    • Sandy Kanapilly, Field Application Scientist, PerkinElmer

Market SegmentTitleLink
Cancer, Targeted TherapiesCombating Resistance by Revealing Cancer Vulnerabilities



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